The Flip Side

Longboarding has many benefits, but here are the top 3 reasons why you should pick up longboarding today.
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Finally planning to take your skateboard out of your backyard and into a skatepark? Check out our handy guide that covers the skateparks across Malaysia.
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After a long long time, travel has finally reopened (yay!). If you're reading this, chances are you picked up longboarding during the lockdown period. Kudos to you on that! You'd probably have seen countless videos of longboarders in scenic skate spots...
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Depending on your end goals, your decision will look very different. This guide will help you decide which board suits you best, based on what style of riding you're after.
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Surfskates have become increasingly popular over the last few years. You’ve probably had a friend asking you to join them in their latest surfskate adventure as well! But I’m sure you’ve been wondering… which surfskate should you get? There are...
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