The Flip Side

In April 2022, our team riders represented Odyssey Boards for the first time in the longboard world championships "So You Can Longboard Dance (SYCLD)". SYCLD is an annual international longboard competition where thousands of longboarders worldwide compete against each other...
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A longboard for freestyle and dancing typically ranges between 42 inches to 46 inches. Depending on your riding style, your longboard length can vary quite drastically from others. But how do you pick the right length? Let's find out in this blog post.
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If you’ve read our previous article on what a surfskate is, you might be interested in getting one for yourself now. But how do you choose your first surfskate? Depending on your build and objective, the kind of surfskate you...
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Most of you already know the differences between a longboard, a skateboard and a cruiser board. But do you know what a surfskate is? In this post, you’ll find out all you need to know about this amazing invention. Truth...
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The Nahoa and Nalu Longboard suits different styles of riding. Find out which longboard suits you better in this article.
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